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Reuters: BlackBerry Founders Consider Takeover

Date: Oct 14, 2013 @ 06:52 AM
Filed Under: Technology

Reuters reported Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin, co-founders of the company now known as Blackberry, are considering a bid that could save the embattled smartphone maker.

According to the Reuters report, the two men, who own 8 percent of the stock, are weighing options to take over the mobile company, according to filings. A Securities and Exchange Commission filing revealed the two co-founders are considering “all available options with respect to their holdings of the shares, including, without limitation, a potential acquisition of all the outstanding shares of the Issuer that they do not currently own, either by themselves or with other interested investors.”

Lazaridis and Fregin founded the company, formerly known as Research in Motion in 1985.

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