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CLFP Foundation, TomorrowZone Partner to Shape Future CLFP Candidate Experience

Date: Jul 12, 2021 @ 07:22 AM

Last month, the CLFP Foundation partnered with TomorrowZone, a consulting firm specializing in technology and innovation, to shape the Future CLFP Candidate Experience. The virtual experience was designed and led by TomorrowZone CEO and founder Deborah Reuben, CLFP, a Foundation Board Member.  

The fast-paced, high-energy 90-minute session featured future customer experience mapping exercises and included CLFPs from 12 different companies representing a diverse cross-section of the CLFP membership achieving the following outcomes.

  • 49 new insights on issues and obstacles faced by CLFPs
  • 33 fresh ideas captured for vision and possibilities
  • 31 actionable ideas for the Foundation to implement

The Foundation is working on implementing several ideas, including a more robust sample exam, reimagining the virtual Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals (ALFP) from a two- to a three-day event, and facilitating engaging networking opportunities for those attending ALFPs.

"It was a magical experience, so much more than I expected. The TomorrowZone team helped us think outside the box by creating a safe space where wild ideas are welcome. In our session, several people came up with things I never thought of, and I've been doing this for almost 10 years," said Reid Raykovich, Executive Director of the CLFP Foundation. "Collaborating like this is better virtually. We tend to withhold our thoughts in person, but this environment enables more openness to explore rapidly. We could never have done this onsite with 12 different companies and diverse participants.  A month later, I am still inspired and energized by the experience."

"At TomorrowZone, we use human-centered design and facilitate virtual experiences with inclusivity, thought diversity, and psychological safety at heart," said Reuben. "This enables you to challenge the status quo, discover ground-breaking possibilities, and generate actionable insights for shaping the future."

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