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Celebrating Leasepath’s Culture of Excellence

Date: Jan 19, 2024 @ 07:20 AM

Leasepath believes in fostering a culture of excellence through continuous learning and professional growth. The company is proud to showcase six of its teammates that crossed their finish lines in 2023 earning their Certified Lease & Finance Professionals (CLFP) certifications. Their achievement underscores the company’s commitment to providing the highest level of service to its clients.

CLFP Journey

The CLFP designation is the preeminent credential for the equipment finance industry. By earning this certification, team members have demonstrated their comprehensive knowledge of the business of equipment leasing and finance.

The company is particularly proud to share that two of its team members have become the first-ever certified CLFPs in Pakistan, marking a significant milestone not only for Leasepath but also for the country.

“All of us at Leasepath are extremely proud of our teammates, Adnan Arif and Bilal Alam, for achieving their Certified Lease and Finance Professional certification!” said Michael Baez, Vice President Professional Services & Customer Strategy of Leasepath. “Their dedication and hard work have not only paid off for themselves, but together they have made history as the first two professionals from Pakistan to accomplish this feat. Adnan and Bilal are trusted and valuable teammates. This achievement not only sets a new standard of excellence, but also serves as an inspiration to the entire Leasepath team.”

Global Reach

Leasepath’s team of CLFPs spans across three countries – the United States, Canada and Pakistan. This global presence enhances the company’s ability to understand and cater to the diverse needs of its clients.

“The 2023 theme for Team Leasepath was Cross Every Finish Line and many on the team are pursuing this opportunity to become part of an exclusive group committed to excellence in equipment finance,” said Jeffrey Bilbrey, CEO of Leasepath.

Meet Our CLFPs

The company would like to take this opportunity to recognize its dedicated team members who have crossed their CLFP finish lines:

  • Vanessa Roberts
  • Brad Catherwood
  • Robin Slaven
  • Bilal Alam
  • Adnan Arif
  • Mike Baez

Their hard work and dedication have played a crucial role in Leasepath’s success. The company team is incredibly proud of their achievements and look forward to their continued contributions.

Looking Ahead

As the company celebrates these accomplishments, the team remains committed to promoting a culture that supports professional development and recognizes excellence. The company believes that its investment in the CLFP certification will continue to enhance our team’s skills, increase our industry knowledge, and ultimately, provide superior service to our clients. We thank the CLFP Foundation for their continued support.

Join the company in congratulating its team on their well-deserved success!

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