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TomorrowZone Announces the UnConference Spring Lineup

April 14, 2021, 07:15 AM
Topic: Industry News

Deborah Reuben, CEO and founder of TomorrowZone announced the spring lineup for public UnConference live sessions scheduled to begin May 4 and continue through June 17.  

These virtual workshops are designed to bring together forward-thinking professionals who desire to learn, connect and collaborate with innovative thought leaders. It's part think-tank, part working group, part meet-up and part hang out — an online place to escape from the status quo.

“Since our launch we have conducted eight unique live sessions. We have hosted over ninety people from 68 different companies across six countries in our UnConference experiences. Each time we do an event, we hear exciting reports of how people are applying their takeaways,” said Reuben. “It’s not about having the most eyes on our content, it’s about engaging bright minds in thought provoking conversation. We are building a community of lifelong learners who value collaboration networks and an environment to stretch thinking about what’s possible now, and what’s next.”

To learn more and register for UnConference events, visit here.

UnConference Live Session Lineup for May and June:

  • May 4 The Anthym Experience – How Might Tech + Music Accelerate Trust Within Remote Teams? With Brian Mohr, Co-founder of Anthym
  • May 25 Product Management Fundamentals for Innovation with Product Expert, Jen Swanson
  • June 10 Real Virtual Reality Use Cases in Equipment Finance with Camille Donegan, Creative Director at SolasVR and Simon Jeppensen, New Business Development Manager at DLL
  • June 17 Going from Disruption Nightmare to Dividends with Grant Wood, Founder at Knotion Labs

UnConference once again supports its charity partner, Technovation[MN], an organization that inspires and empowers teen girls to build technology to impact their communities. A portion of registration fees from UnConference events are donated to support this important program to encourage and grow the innovators of the future.

TomorrowZone's UnConference is the only virtual community of equipment finance professionals devoted to technological innovation trends and what they mean specifically for the equipment finance sector. Their mission is to help professionals embrace innovation, adopt technology and future-ready their businesses. Their intelligence, consulting, and collaboration platform inspires the next generation of ideas, processes and people to champion the nearly trillion-dollar industry.

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