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Equipment Finance Advisor Search Results

News Stories (21 Results) - Citizens Bank

Citizens served as the exclusive financial advisor to GHK Capital Partners LP, a middle-market private equity firm based in Greenwich, CT, on its acquisition of NY-based Horizon Group.Founded in 2018, GHK is a leading middle-market private equity... Read Story
August 28, 2024, 06:00 AM

Further strengthening its growing presence in California, Citizens Financial Group announced that Michael Walker has joined the company to lead its team serving middle market companies across the state.Walker, based in San Francisco, has more than 45... Read Story
June 28, 2024, 07:15 AM

Nearly three quarters of Americans (72%) lack the financial confidence needed to manage a large influx of money on their own, according to a new survey by Citizens. As Baby Boomers, the most financially prosperous generation in history, are set to... Read Story
May 17, 2024, 07:18 AM

Citizens’ 2024 M&A Outlook revealed optimism around the environment for dealmaking activity this year, underpinned by solid expectations for the U.S. economy and a pop in enthusiasm, especially among buyers. The annual survey of 400 leaders at U.S.... Read Story
January 11, 2024, 07:20 AM

Citizens Financial Group announced a $50 billion Sustainable Finance Target including $5 billion in green financing, by 2030. The company also announced that it will engage corporate clients in high-emitting sectors on climate-related topics. To... Read Story
September 26, 2023, 05:00 AM

Citizens announced that veteran banking executive Mark Lehmann, chief executive of JMP Group, has been named as its California President to accelerate growth in a key market where the bank has recently added some of the state’s top private bankers.In... Read Story
July 13, 2023, 07:15 AM

RecNation Storage, a leading owner, operator and developer of specialized recreational vehicle and marine storage facilities, amended and upsized its revolving credit facility to borrow up to $500 million assuming certain conditions are met. The... Read Story
May 31, 2023, 07:00 AM

CrossAmerica Partners entered into an amended and restated five-year Revolving Credit Facility agreement with a syndicate of lenders led by Citizens Bank. The Amended Facility provides borrowing capacity up to $925 million, an increase from the... Read Story
April 04, 2023, 07:00 AM

Citizens named Jessica Rascionato to lead its Commercial Real Estate team and expanded Joanne Wyper’s role to head of Commercial Banking Digital and Operations to drive the Commercial Bank’s digital-forward strategy. Bragg Comer will succeed... Read Story
March 08, 2023, 07:10 AM

Citizens announced the national Citizens Business Conditions Index (CBCI) dropped to 48.5 in the fourth quarter, ending a streak of eight consecutive quarters in growth mode above 50 and reflecting cooling sentiment as rate hikes from the Federal... Read Story
January 25, 2023, 07:15 AM

The national Citizens Business Conditions Index (CBCI) rose to 56.1 in the third quarter, regaining momentum after a drop in second quarter economic sentiment prompted by inflation concerns. This quarter’s score extends the index’s streak to eight... Read Story
October 26, 2022, 07:15 AM

Citizens announced that the national Citizens Business Conditions Index™ (CBCI) dropped to 52.9 in the second quarter of 2022, down from its eight-year peak of 59.5 at the end of the first quarter, but extending its streak to seven straight quarters... Read Story
July 28, 2022, 07:14 AM

Encina Equipment Finance, LLC (EEF) announced the closing of a new non-recourse secured revolving loan facility with initial lending commitments from three lenders totaling $450 million. The new facility provides EEF with additional committed... Read Story
April 28, 2022, 07:22 AM

CIT, a division of First Citizens Bank, announced a reorganization of its Commercial Services factoring business to position it for accelerated growth by providing even better service for clients and prospects.CIT Commercial Services is one of the... Read Story
March 08, 2022, 07:15 AM

Citizens announced that continued economic recovery from the shock of COVID-19 kept the past quarter’s national Citizens Business Conditions Index (CBCI) in upbeat territory, with another healthy reading of 53.3. This compares with the fourth quarter... Read Story
May 03, 2021, 07:06 AM

Middle-market companies seeking growth or liquidity have fueled a strong mergers and acquisitions market in recent years and expectations remain high for this year, but Citizens Commercial Banking’s annual survey found many companies see a slowdown... Read Story
January 31, 2019, 07:25 AM

Four equipment finance industry veterans have joined Citizens Asset Finance, Inc. to add expertise and additional coverage from New Jersey to Minnesota.Stan Walker joins Citizens as a Senior Vice President and Managing Director, managing the sales... Read Story
October 01, 2018, 07:25 AM

Citizens Bank has hired Joseph C. Giampetroni as Regional Executive for the Midwest with responsibility for corporate banking in the greater Chicago area, Michigan and Ohio.  Giampetroni joins Citizens with extensive banking experience in advising... Read Story
July 18, 2017, 07:09 AM

Citizens Bank announced that it will offer digital lending capabilities to small business customers through a collaboration with Fundation Group LLC, a leading digitally-enabled lender and credit solutions provider to regional and community banks.... Read Story
December 21, 2016, 07:20 AM

Citizens Bank announced that Citizens Commercial Banking has led a new $300 million revolving credit facility for Nations Fund I, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nations Equipment Finance, LLC. Nations is a commercial finance company that provides... Read Story
September 22, 2016, 07:08 AM

Citizens Bank announced that it has provided a $15 million credit facility to Rubyhill Denver LLC, a multi-unit Sonic franchise restaurant operator. The Colorado-based restaurant group will use the funds for acquisition financing and capital... Read Story
March 30, 2016, 06:59 AM