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News Stories (67 Results) - CLFP

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 9 individuals who recently sat through the online proctored CLFP exam, have passed.  They are: Kelly Black-Swartz, CLFP – Accountant / AVP & Asst Sec, First Citizens Bank... Read Story
October 21, 2024, 06:58 AM

The CLFP Foundation announced the launch of its scholarship program, designed to support individuals who aspire to earn the Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) designation, but may be facing financial hardship. In keeping with its mission... Read Story
September 23, 2024, 07:00 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 13 individuals who recently sat through the online proctored CLFP exam, have passed.  They are: Noah Beh, CLFP Associate – Manager of Operations, Auxilior Capital Partners... Read Story
September 16, 2024, 07:10 AM

360 Equipment Finance announced team members—Sasha Mata, Haley Richey, Justin Buhrow, and Alex Seebaugh—have successfully earned their Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) designation. This accomplishment underscores the company’s commitment... Read Story
August 22, 2024, 07:05 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 14 individuals who recently sat through the online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Justin Buhrow, CLFP – Credit Manager, 360 Equipment Finance Roshanthi Cantin... Read Story
August 19, 2024, 07:23 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 12 individuals who recently sat through the online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Jennifer Bell, CLFP – Funding Team Lead, AP Equipment Financing Justin... Read Story
August 05, 2024, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced the release of the 10th Edition of the Handbook, which has been updated to reflect the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our industry and the expansion of the Uniform... Read Story
July 22, 2024, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 19 individuals who recently sat through the online proctored CLFP Exam, have passed. They are: Sandra Anderson, CLFP – Business Analyst – Senior, The Huntington National... Read Story
June 03, 2024, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation reached a new milestone, 1,500 members. The CLFP Board of Directors announced the 1,500th CLFP is Sharon Pietras of Huntington National Bank.“The milestone is such an achievement for the... Read Story
May 24, 2024, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 18 individuals who recently sat through the online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Colleen Bullock, CLFP – Legal Counsel, DLL Jenna Cassidy, CLFP – FEC Risk... Read Story
April 29, 2024, 07:24 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 12 individuals who recently sat through the online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Michael Burke, CLFP – Chief Executive Officer, Coex Capitals Tina Clark, CLFP –... Read Story
January 29, 2024, 07:05 AM

Leasepath believes in fostering a culture of excellence through continuous learning and professional growth. The company is proud to showcase six of its teammates that crossed their finish lines in 2023 earning their Certified Lease & Finance... Read Story
January 19, 2024, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation is pleased to announce that 21 individuals who recently sat through the 8-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Howard Bailey, CLFP – Quality and Compliance Specialist... Read Story
December 04, 2023, 07:25 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 17 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Matthew Cantwell, CLFP – Regional Scorecard Management Consultant... Read Story
November 13, 2023, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 26 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Kevin Agness, CLFP – Country Sales Manager - Healthcare, DLL Lori... Read Story
November 06, 2023, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 18 individuals who recently sat through the 8-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed.  They are: Syed Bilam Alam, CLFP – Implementation Consultant... Read Story
October 09, 2023, 07:15 AM

Certified Lease & Finance Professionals (CLFPs) across the country celebrated their designation with in-person celebrations across the country and a virtual toast together mid-afternoon. CLFP Day is an annual celebration that takes place on the last... Read Story
August 28, 2023, 07:25 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 17 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Valerie Carwell, CLFP – Business Development Representative... Read Story
August 21, 2023, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announce 19 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Brooks Anderson, CLFP – Vendor Relations Supervisor, Stearns... Read Story
July 17, 2023, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 21 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed, including the first CLFP in Pakistan.  They are: Muhammad Arif, CLFP –... Read Story
June 26, 2023, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 15 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Caleb Bakos, CLFP – Equipment Finance Sales Executive, The Huntington... Read Story
May 30, 2023, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 14 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Lauren Baingo, CLFP – Program Manager, DLL Jenna Bioughnach, CLFP –... Read Story
May 15, 2023, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 20 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Timothy Appleget, CLFP – Director SAS Products, Tamarack Technology... Read Story
April 10, 2023, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 12 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Noah Barnard, CLFP – Assistant Vice President, Project Manager, First... Read Story
March 06, 2023, 07:20 AM

The CLFP Foundation lost one of its board members this past weekend, Larry “Last Chance” LaChance, CLFP, President at Bankers Capital. Just two weeks ago, he was with us in Arizona at our board retreat and told everyone about what a special time he... Read Story
February 01, 2023, 07:25 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 15 individuals who recently sat for the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Richard Blair, CLFP – Vice President, CIT a division of First... Read Story
January 23, 2023, 07:17 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced its 2023-2024 Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Lia Wax, CLFP is the Vice President of Operations at Financial Pacific Leasing and will serve as President of the Board.... Read Story
January 17, 2023, 07:22 AM

APPROVE has promoted Jim Howard to the position of Vice President of Finance Operations, a move that directly follows his achievement of the Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) credential. He brings a deep knowledge of the equipment leasing... Read Story
December 20, 2022, 07:17 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 17 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed it. They are: Eric Angleró, CLFP – Operations Manager, Commercial Equipment... Read Story
December 12, 2022, 07:23 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 20 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Michael Arida, CLFP – Credit and Syndications Manager, Beacon... Read Story
November 28, 2022, 07:23 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 25 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, passed. The newest members are: Katherine Baker, CLFP – President, MC2 Finance Karla Beran... Read Story
October 24, 2022, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced during its Annual CLFP Day virtual celebration that Bob Teichman, Bob Fisher and John Rosenlund were honored with Lifetime Membership Awards. The award was created this year to... Read Story
September 19, 2022, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 10 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: James Backoff, CLFP – Manager, Portfolio Administration... Read Story
September 12, 2022, 07:20 AM

The CLFP Foundation has named Candace Reinhart, CLFP, COO/CXO at CoreTech Leasing, the 2022 Cindy Spurdle Award of Excellence Winner. The Cindy Spurdle Award was created in 2012 to acknowledge the CLFP who has contributed the most to the industry... Read Story
August 30, 2022, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation is pleased to announce that 15 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Nicholas Balzer, CLFP – Credit Analyst, Vision... Read Story
August 17, 2022, 07:20 AM

AP Equipment Financing in January 2022 introduced a CLFP Prep Program to both AP and Tokyo Century USA employees with the purpose to prepare and teach the CLFP exam content to those interested in getting their CLFP designation. AP formed a CLFP... Read Story
July 22, 2022, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 17 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: John Bender, CLFP – Assistant Vice President, Program Manager... Read Story
June 27, 2022, 07:23 AM

The Alta Group announced that industry veteran Jim Merrilees has joined the global advisory firm as Vice Chairman in a business development role.Merrilees will advise potential clients on ways Alta can add value to their organizations through... Read Story
June 13, 2022, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced DLL added 14 CLFPs after it hosted another Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals (ALFP) in April. Upon completion of the class, the following individuals successfully passed... Read Story
May 02, 2022, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 19 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Danielle Bonzer, CLFP – Account Executive, Northland Capital... Read Story
April 18, 2022, 07:24 AM

Brad Peterson, President and Chief Executive Officer at Channel, announced three team members recently passed the Certified Lease & Finance Professional eight-hour online CLFP exam, including: Jean Blakely-Cook, CLFP – Loss Mitigation... Read Story
April 12, 2022, 07:18 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 18 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are:Jean Blakeley-Cook, CLFP – Loss Mitigation Recovery Specialist... Read Story
March 29, 2022, 07:18 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional Foundation announced that the ninth edition of The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals’ Handbook is now available for purchase on Amazon in a paperback version with a Kindle version available... Read Story
March 09, 2022, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 16 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed. They are: José Albertorio Matos, CLFP – Relationship Manager, Commercial Equipment... Read Story
March 02, 2022, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation, the education and certifying body created to raise the industry standards among equipment leasing and financing professionals, announced the appointment of Melissa (Mel) Vinson, CLFP, as... Read Story
February 07, 2022, 07:23 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 14 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Christopher Boire, CLFP – AVP, SR Underwriter, Alliance Funding... Read Story
January 18, 2022, 07:22 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 17 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online-proctored CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Patricia Boehl, CLFP – Senior Account Executive, DLL Drew Brown... Read Story
December 13, 2021, 07:20 AM

Channel Partners Capital, LLC, recognized five additional team members who recently sat for and successfully passed the Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) eight-hour online CLFP exam. This group of individuals serve in a variety of roles... Read Story
October 05, 2021, 07:10 AM

KLC Financial announced that two more members of its team have become Certified Lease & Finance Professionals (CLFPs), bringing the staff’s total to 15 members of 28 total staff with KLC.Mike Sulava, Business Development, and Griffin Lefeber, a... Read Story
August 10, 2021, 07:18 AM

Last month, the CLFP Foundation partnered with TomorrowZone, a consulting firm specializing in technology and innovation, to shape the Future CLFP Candidate Experience. The virtual experience was designed and led by TomorrowZone CEO and founder... Read Story
July 12, 2021, 07:22 AM

Channel Partners Capital, LLC recognizes five team members who recently sat for and successful passed the Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) eight-hour online CLFP exam. These individuals contribute a diverse set of cross-functional... Read Story
June 09, 2021, 07:18 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 18 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed. They are: George Cairncross, CLFP Associate – Account Executive, Lion Technology Finance... Read Story
June 07, 2021, 07:23 AM

Bob Rinaldi has added to his Leasing Avenues blog a video interview with Reid Raykovich, Executive Director of the Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation. The past several years, the industry has been hearing a lot about the CLFP... Read Story
June 02, 2021, 07:20 AM

LTi Technology Solutions (LTi) announced three of LTi’s employees recently gained their Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) designation. David Hayes, Brock Hansen and Alex Bryson have achieved their CLFP, the industry’s most rigorous... Read Story
May 20, 2021, 07:12 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that seven individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed, including the first CLFP in Africa. They are: Todd Chase, CLFP – Senior Vice... Read Story
February 01, 2021, 07:20 AM

Four Oakmont Capital Services professionals achieved the Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) designation awarded by the CLFP Foundation, joining 15 of their colleagues who also hold the title.The CLFP is the preeminent credential for... Read Story
November 04, 2020, 07:18 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 22 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Vanessa Andel, CLFP – Vice President of Operations, Commercial Fleet... Read Story
October 28, 2020, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 19 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Jeremiah Branham, CLFP – Senior Underwriting Analyst, Key Equipment... Read Story
April 06, 2020, 07:20 AM

Fleet Advantage announced that eight new designations were awarded to Fleet Advantage personnel through passing of the Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) exam.The Credit Lease & Finance Professional exam is given by the Certified Lease &... Read Story
March 03, 2020, 07:00 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 43 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour web-based CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Kawika Ahquin, CLFP – Finance Manager - Sales, Ascentium Capital... Read Story
March 02, 2020, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 35 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed. Included in this group is the first CLFP residing in India, Shrirang Tambe. The latest... Read Story
December 18, 2019, 07:18 AM

IDS, a leading provider of asset finance and origination technology, announced nine of its team members have successfully completed the required coursework and passed the certification testing to receive their Certified Lease & Finance Professional... Read Story
November 07, 2019, 07:15 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 53 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed. They are: Nathan Bash, CLFP – Assistant Vice President, Project Manager, First... Read Story
November 06, 2019, 07:15 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced all nine leasing professionals from Stryker recently passed the CLFP exam after the company hosted a private Academy late last month. The newest CLFPs and Associates... Read Story
September 25, 2019, 07:09 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 10 individuals who recently sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam, have passed. The new CLFPs are: Nerio Gonzalez Sanchez, CLFP – Vice President of Credit and... Read Story
August 20, 2019, 07:15 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced 69 individuals who sat through the eight-hour online CLFP exam during the months of April and May have successfully passed. They are: Omar Ali, CLFP – Senior Credit Analyst... Read Story
May 28, 2019, 07:20 AM

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced that 37 individuals who sat for the CLFP exam following two private Academies for Lease & Finance Professionals hosted by Stearns Bank, N.A., have successfully passed. They... Read Story
May 06, 2019, 07:15 AM