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iPad 3 a Nice Step Up...Actually Huge Step Up!

March 27, 2012, 07:10 AM
Topic: Technology

I am always amazed when it comes to people's responses to Apple product launches.  It's often like dealing with our children -- they have such high expectations (dare I say, completely unrealistic?) that often you feel like there's little sense of reality when it comes to their responses.

The new iPad is "sweet" -- plain and simple.  It's not revolutionary (that's been played out at this point -- and until they release a version that has a completely transparent case or transforms from iPhone to iPad Hollywood-style -- there's not a lot of "revolution" that will appear in the next set of product iterations).

Nearly every review I have read on the device has an "it's a great upgrade but still a let-down" tone -- and that's just ridiculous.  The screen is wonderful -- how can arguably the most important component of a tablet be a let down?  The new processor (A5X processor) is a welcome jump in performance -- you'll notice it more on games and browsing -- and yet again, one of the most important functions of an iPad is speed -- let down?  You've got to be kidding.  Next, we finally get the "stupid fast" (stole that from review -- great way to describe it) referring to the Verizon LTE "4G" cellular wireless support.  This again is huge -- 3G was a joke, plain and simple.  Now you finally get usable Internet speed where Verizon offers coverage.

Any of this Revolutionary?   Of course not -- what did you expect -- the thing to fold up into a cube a few inches tall?  This is a welcome and HUGE upgrade -- it's taking the iPad not only into a seasoned mode -- but more importantly it's making sure that it stays ahead and alongside the competition.

Apple must be smart here -- and the fact that they are focusing on real-world, practical upgrades and realizing that this latest revolution is over -- is a sign that they are a much more savvy company than they were 20 year ago.

Dan Katz
RDK Interactive, Inc.
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Comments From Our Members

Kimberly Esposito
Dan has made some very interesting points here. Apple owns the tablet space, and has made it easy for even the 'techno-dopes' (people like me with only rudimentary computer end-user skill). I still don't own an IPad. However, I did sit next to a woman with pink-streaked hair and a feather hairpiece on the airplane last night. She was an internet marketing maven old enough to be my mother, swore like a merchant marine, and was watching a movie on her IPad 3. What a terrific screen it had with bright, clear colors, and no hesitant motion! I asked her how she liked the IPad. (Alright, I first asked if it was an IPad, as I'd never seen one that close...but I digress...) She not only liked it, but claimed it allowed her to travel to meet her clients, publisher, friends, and still be able to access her email, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, and home office computer files without a laptop. She can't create any sophisticated layouts or artwork for her hard copy magazine publisher, but it has made her travels in life easier. And, she added, she'll be purchasing the IPad 4 soon.

My only hope is that I and my 'old, stubborn and cheap' brethren get over the penchant for avoiding new tools just because they are new.
4.4.2012 @ 11:56 AM
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