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Equipment Finance Advisor Search Results

News Stories (130 Results) - MCI-EFI

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the October 2024 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 61.8, steady with the September index... Read Story
October 17, 2024, 07:58 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the September 2024 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 61.9, an increase from the... Read Story
September 19, 2024, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the June 2024 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and expectations for the... Read Story
June 20, 2024, 07:22 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the October 2023 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
October 19, 2023, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the September 2023 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
September 21, 2023, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the June 2023 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
June 22, 2023, 07:23 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the February 2023 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
February 16, 2023, 07:18 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the January 2023 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
January 19, 2023, 07:18 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the November 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
November 17, 2022, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the October 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
October 20, 2022, 07:23 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the September 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and expectations for... Read Story
September 22, 2022, 07:18 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the August 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
August 18, 2022, 07:20 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the July 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and expectations for the... Read Story
July 21, 2022, 07:20 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the June 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
June 16, 2022, 07:23 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the May 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
May 19, 2022, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the April 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
April 21, 2022, 07:23 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the March 2022 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and expectations for the... Read Story
March 17, 2022, 07:18 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the November 2021 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions... Read Story
November 18, 2021, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the October 2021 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
October 21, 2021, 07:24 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the September 2021 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and expectations for... Read Story
September 16, 2021, 07:23 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) has released the August 2021 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and... Read Story
August 19, 2021, 06:58 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the July 2021 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and expectations for the... Read Story
July 22, 2021, 07:23 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the June 2021 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 71.3, steady with the May index of 72.1. The index reports... Read Story
June 17, 2021, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), showed overall new business volume for April was $8.2 billion, down 7 percent year-over-year. Volume was down 8 percent month-to-month from $8.9... Read Story
May 27, 2020, 07:30 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the April 2020 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market fell to a historic low in April of 22.3, decreasing from the... Read Story
April 16, 2020, 07:30 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the March 2020 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business... Read Story
March 12, 2020, 07:16 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the February 2020 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing... Read Story
February 13, 2020, 07:30 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the January 2020 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing... Read Story
January 16, 2020, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the December 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 56.2, an increase from the November index of 54.9.... Read Story
December 19, 2019, 07:30 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation releases its November 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 54.9, an increase from the October index of... Read Story
November 14, 2019, 07:24 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the October 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 51.4, a decrease from the September index of... Read Story
October 17, 2019, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the September 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 54.7, a decrease from the August index of... Read Story
September 19, 2019, 07:16 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the August 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business... Read Story
August 15, 2019, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the July 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market was 57.9, an increase from the June index of 52.8.Designed to... Read Story
July 18, 2019, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the June 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market was 52.8, easing from the May index of 59.2.Designed to... Read Story
June 20, 2019, 07:21 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the May 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market improved in May to 59.2, From the April index of 58.3.Designed... Read Story
May 16, 2019, 07:16 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the April 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market decreased in April, after two consecutive months of... Read Story
April 18, 2019, 07:28 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the March 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market increased in March for the second consecutive month to 60.4... Read Story
March 14, 2019, 07:20 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the February 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market increased in February to 56.7, an increase from the... Read Story
February 14, 2019, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the January 2019 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). The index shows that, overall, confidence in the equipment finance market eased further in January to 53.4, a... Read Story
January 17, 2019, 07:28 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the December 2018 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market eased again in December to 55.5, a decrease from the... Read Story
December 17, 2018, 07:22 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation released the November 2018 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market eased further in November to 58.5, a decrease from the... Read Story
November 15, 2018, 07:25 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the February 2018 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
February 15, 2018, 07:08 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the January 2018 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
January 18, 2018, 07:30 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
December 20, 2017, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the December 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
December 15, 2017, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
November 21, 2017, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the November 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI). Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the... Read Story
November 16, 2017, 07:17 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the October 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
October 19, 2017, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the September 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
September 19, 2017, 07:04 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
August 24, 2017, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the July 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
July 20, 2017, 07:04 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
June 23, 2017, 07:19 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the June 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
June 15, 2017, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the May 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the... Read Story
May 18, 2017, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
March 23, 2017, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the March 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
March 16, 2017, 07:03 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the February 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
February 16, 2017, 07:11 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
January 26, 2017, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the January 2017 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
January 19, 2017, 07:20 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
December 21, 2016, 07:19 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the December 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
December 15, 2016, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25) (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their... Read Story
November 22, 2016, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the November 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
November 17, 2016, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the October 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
October 20, 2016, 07:14 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
September 26, 2016, 07:30 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the September 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
September 22, 2016, 07:07 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
August 24, 2016, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the August 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
August 18, 2016, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the July 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
July 21, 2016, 07:08 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the June 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
June 21, 2016, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
May 25, 2016, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the April 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
April 21, 2016, 07:20 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
March 23, 2016, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the March 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
March 17, 2016, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
February 24, 2016, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the February 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
February 18, 2016, 07:09 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
January 27, 2016, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the January 2016 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
January 21, 2016, 07:33 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the December 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
December 17, 2015, 06:07 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the November 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
November 19, 2015, 07:12 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the October 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
October 21, 2015, 07:07 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the September 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
September 21, 2015, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $903 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
August 25, 2015, 07:05 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the August 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
August 21, 2015, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the June 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
July 22, 2015, 07:05 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the June 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
June 18, 2015, 07:03 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $903 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
May 22, 2015, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the May 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the... Read Story
May 20, 2015, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the April 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
April 21, 2015, 06:28 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $903 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
March 24, 2015, 06:50 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the March 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
March 20, 2015, 07:08 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $903 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
February 25, 2015, 06:57 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the February 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
February 23, 2015, 07:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $903 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
January 26, 2015, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the January 2015 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
January 22, 2015, 07:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $903 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
December 19, 2014, 07:02 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the December 2014 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
December 17, 2014, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $903 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
November 24, 2014, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the September 2014 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
September 22, 2014, 07:04 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the August 2014 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
August 21, 2014, 06:47 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the June 2014 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
June 20, 2014, 06:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $827 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
May 22, 2014, 06:47 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the May 2014 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the... Read Story
May 20, 2014, 06:49 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the April 2014 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
April 21, 2014, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $827 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
January 27, 2014, 07:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the January 2014 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
January 23, 2014, 07:04 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $827 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
December 20, 2013, 07:02 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the December 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
December 18, 2013, 06:57 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the November 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
November 21, 2013, 07:03 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the October 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
October 21, 2013, 06:59 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the September 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
September 20, 2013, 07:05 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the August 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
August 21, 2013, 07:07 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the July 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
July 22, 2013, 07:06 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $725 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
February 26, 2013, 07:29 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the February 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
February 22, 2013, 07:17 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the January 2013 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
January 23, 2013, 07:37 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $725 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new... Read Story
December 21, 2012, 07:39 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the December 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
December 19, 2012, 07:40 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the September 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
September 24, 2012, 07:48 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the August 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
August 21, 2012, 08:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the July 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
July 23, 2012, 08:10 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the June 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
June 22, 2012, 08:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the May 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the... Read Story
May 21, 2012, 08:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity for the $628 billion equipment finance sector, showed overall new business volume for March was $6.8 billion, up 10%... Read Story
April 24, 2012, 08:20 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the April 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today.  Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
April 20, 2012, 08:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the March 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today.  Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both... Read Story
March 23, 2012, 08:30 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) releases the February 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today.  Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
February 23, 2012, 08:15 AM

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity for the $628 billion equipment finance sector, showed overall new business volume for December was $10.8 billion, up... Read Story
January 25, 2012, 08:00 AM

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (the Foundation) released the January 2012 Monthly Confidence Index for the Equipment Finance Industry (MCI-EFI) today.  Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of... Read Story
January 23, 2012, 08:15 AM